



有兴趣在GVSU学习期间兼职工作? GVSU Military and Veterans Resource Center has a work study program as a 学生及退伍军人休息室助理. 作为我们团队的一员, 你会热情地欢迎来访者, 保持休息室, 帮助老学生进行咨询, 并在校园内合作开展拓展活动. Join us in fostering a supportive environment that allows us to assist those who have served our country.

密歇根退伍军人前进 GVSU的项目: 通往有意义的工作和教育之路

This innovative program is a collaboration between GVSU and SpartanNash, a Michigan-based food solutions company with a strong commitment to veterans and military families. 的 Veterans Advance program is an embodiment of GVSU's commitment to innovation and the success of our student veterans. Don't miss this opportunity to make the most of your military background while pursuing higher education.


握手 is an online platform connecting GVSU students, alumni, employers, and career resources. 它促进了实习、兼职工作和职业安置. 当你与握手接触时, 它能适应你的喜好, 提供个性化和最新的内容. 通过定期查看,保持对新机会的关注.


探索职业机会, 让你的军事技能与平民角色相匹配, 让别人看你的简历, 进行面试练习, 与当地对军队友好的雇主联系, 和更多的! 去CareerLab看看吧 亲自到200学生服务处, 在他们的虚拟时间上网拜访他们, 或者和顾问预约一下. 职业顾问是某一特定研究领域的专家. Meet the 职业中心 Staff to find who serves your specific area of study. If you're not sure who to start with, reach out to Lisa Knapp, who has experience with military life. (电子邮件保护)

留意一下 职业中心 活动页面 their for amazing opportunities with their Employer Showcases as well as their Career and Internship fairs. 



密歇根资深企业家实验室 (MVE-Lab): 授权资深企业家

欢迎来到密歇根资深企业家实验室(MVE-Lab), a pioneering 3-month entrepreneurship accelerator specifically designed for veterans and military spouses. Our mission is to provide hands-on startup education to those aiming to generate an additional $20,每年通过小型商业投资获得1万美元或以上的收入. As a program under the 大峡谷州立大学 (GVSU) Richard M. 以及海伦·德沃斯创业中心 & 创新(CEI), MVE-Lab offers comprehensive startup education and connections within Michigan's vibrant entrepreneur ecosystem.


Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA) recognizes employers that commit to military veteran recruitment, 通过授予这些雇主金奖来培训和留住员工, 银和铜级状态为 MVAA认证的退伍军人友好雇主.

如果你正在找工作, please visit the individual company websites for available positions or MiTalent.org.

的 Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA) serves as the central hub for connecting veterans and their families to services and benefits across the state. Our mission is to connect Michigan employers with veteran talent and eliminate employment barriers by facilitating skills translation and identifying the right candidates for job opportunities.



ESGR recognizes the valuable skills and talents that Guard and 储备 Service members bring to the civilian workforce. 确保安排成功, both parties must understand their rights and responsibilities under the 统一服务就业和再就业权利法案 (USERRA). ESGR在这里提供帮助! 每个州都有ESGR委员会, 领土, 以及哥伦比亚特区, re现在atives are available to enhance the relationship between Service members and their supervisors through a deeper understanding of military service.

ESGR aims to foster a culture where all employers in America appreciate their employees' military service, 从而使冲突最小化. 在出现问题时, ESGR offers free and impartial mediation services and information on legal requirements.

查询或联络受过训练的申诉专员, reach out to ESGR's Customer Service Center Monday to Friday (excluding Federal holidays) between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM (ET):



欢迎来到 SVA的工作门户, which is your comprehensive source for current employment opportunities. 与国家劳工交易所合作, our unique platform allows you to enter your military occupation code or title and preferred location for efficient matching. 是否找兼职工作, 简历创建实习, 或者一条新的职业道路, 我们的网站是来帮助你的.


从军队转战平民? 使用 CareerOneStop Military to Civilian Occupation Translator to match your skills to similar civilian careers and find local job openings. Simply enter your military job title or MOC and preferred location to get started.

If you already have a specific job in mind and don't need to match your military skills, 参观退伍军人和军事过渡中心 退伍军人求职.


O *网项目 是国家职业信息的主要来源吗. 它具有全面的ONET数据库, 包含近1个标准化描述符,全美有1000个职业.S. 经济. This publicly accessible database is continuously updated through input from workers in each occupation, 提供有价值的见解.

O*NET是由 U.S. 劳动/就业和培训管理处 (USDOL/ETA), in collaboration with the North Carolina Department of Commerce.



退伍军人就业中心™ (VEC) connects Veterans and their families with employment and career development opportunities. 我们支持您的求职之旅, whether you're returning to work with a service-connected disability, 寻求新的培训机会, 或者开始/发展你自己的事业. 我们提供对劳工部资源的访问, 职业建议, 恢复建设, and connect you with employers interested in hiring Veterans and military spouses. 使用 VEC to get the help you need to build your career and find the right job or business opportunity.


统一服务就业和再就业权利法案 (USERRA) is a Federal law that safeguards the rights and responsibilities of Service members and their civilian employers.

USERRA ensures that individuals who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, 储备, 国民警卫队, or other uniformed Services: (1) are not disadvantaged in their civilian careers due to their service; (2) are promptly reemployed in their civilian jobs upon their return from duty; and (3) are protected against employment discrimination based on past, 现在, 或者将来服兵役.

This law applies to those who voluntarily or involuntarily leave their employment positions to perform service in the uniformed Services, including specific service in the National Disaster Medical System and the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service.

USERRA对就业有广泛的影响, 再就业, 以及雇员在军警部队服役时的工作保留. It also prohibits employers from discriminating against current or former members of the uniformed Services, 以及申请军警职位的个人.
